Where the balance is lower than the maintenance margin provided in the consignment contract, the Futures Commission Merchant shall notify the principal to replenish its owner equity balance by the amount that it falls short of the initial margins for its open positions within a specified deadline. 其低于受托契约约定之维持保证金时,应即通知委托人于限期内补缴其保证金专户存款余额与其未了结部位原始保证金总额间之差额。
Upon acceptance by the computer of this corporation, the order confirmation or trade confirmation shall be given to the participating Futures Commission merchant. 经本公司计算机主机接受后,回报该期货商委托回报或成交回报。
The futures commission merchant shall immediately cease accepting new orders from the institutional investor, except for purposes of disposing of existing positions, and shall cancel the account after its claims and liabilities have been settled. 除为处理原有部位外,期货商应立即停止收受其新增委托单,并于其债权债务结清后,予以销户。
This corporation may restore trading by the futures commission merchant after the circumstances set forth in the subparagraphs of the preceding paragraph have been eliminated. 前项各款所定情形,于其原因消灭后,本公司得恢复其交易。
The minimum required number of associated persons of a futures commission merchant and the items required in the futures trading orders form shall be prescribed by the competent authority. 期货商雇用业务员最低人数及委托书应记载事项,由主管机关定之。
When the amount of the margin is adjusted, a Futures Commission Merchant shall notify the principal to pay the difference within the time period provided in the consignment contract. 期货交易保证金之额度经调整时,期货商应通知委托人依受托契约所定期限缴交差额。
The Factor Formula of Agent Commission; Examining The Merchant of Venice with the Modern Legal System Approach; 代理商佣金系统因子公式的实现方法以现代法制理念审视《威尼斯商人》
The principal or its agent may notify the futures commission merchant to cancel a consignment order before the order is executed. 委托人或其代理人于委托事项尚未成交前,得通知期货商撤销原委托。
The amount of margin collected from the principal by the futures commission merchant may not be less than the standards prescribed by this corporation. 期货商向其委托人收取之保证金金额,不得低于本公司所订定之标准。
A person employed by, and soliciting business for, a commission house or futures commission merchant. 证券经纪公司或期货经纪商雇用或咨询的人。
In the event of telephone recording equipment malfunctions or operational omissions, the futures commission merchant shall, within two trading days of the occurrence, submit a report to this corporation by letter stating the incident, cause, and remedial measures taken. 期货商如电话录音设备发生故障或作业疏漏时,应于事实发生之日起二个营业日内,将其原因事实及改善情形函报本公司。
When a futures commission merchant accepts transmission of the contents of a futures trading consignment by fax, telegram, computer system, or other equipment, the transmitted contents shall be kept on file for inspection. 期货商接受以传真机、电报、计算机系统或其它传输设备传输买卖委托书内容时,应将所传输内容存档备查。
Stipulations for arbitration under the preceding paragraph shall be prescribed in the consignment contract and the clearing and settlement contract by the futures commission merchant and the clearing member, respectively, and shall serve as the arbitration contract required under the commercial arbitration act. 前项仲裁约定,应由期货商、结算会员分别订入受托契约及受托办理结算交割契约中,作为商务仲裁条例所规定之仲裁契约。
Account book management by Clearing Members referred to in the preceding paragraph with regard to the conduct of clearing and settlement consigned by a Futures Commission Merchant shall separately record proprietary and consigned trading by the Futures Commission merchant. 前项结算会员对于委托其办理结算交割之期货商帐簿管理,应按该期货商自行买卖及受托买卖别登载之。
The author gives the standards of the subject of futures contract and cognizances among the subjects of futures market one by one, and discusses emphatically futures commission merchant ( FCM) connation and characters. 笔者界定了期货合同的主体标准,逐一识别期货市场的主体,重点讨论了期货经纪商的内涵和特征,剖析了不同法系下的期货经纪商和客户的不同法律地位。